Saturday, 24 June 2017

A day in the life of me

hi guys, Flossie here

so today I am going to be doing a blog post on my daily routine as i thought it would be fun and this isn't going to be one of my normal posts as it is going to be a bit on the odd side and will be realistic not like a natural bloggers daily routine. Hope you enjoy xx

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So first I will wake up and this will probs take about half an hour so I set my alarm really early so I wake myself up gradually. then I will straight away go and brush my teeth and wash my face, and then go and apply moisturizer. After I go and put an outfit on which takes me ages to pick an outfit as I never know what to wear #the struggle is real. After I will go and apply makeup as its me we're talking about, Then I will go out doing my daily life which is probably shopping or looking at things I can't afford. Then when I get home I will put my pyjamas on and brush my teeth and wash my face again, if you want to see my skin care routine then go check out my last post. Then I will go do any think on my laptop that I need to do like watch some youtube, write a blog post or watch netflix. Then I will go to sleep!

thanks for reading
florence xx

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