Sunday, 5 March 2017

how to make slime (with borax!)

Hi Flossie here
I'm so sorry I haven't posted in ages but I haven't had any time to do it,
anyway today I am going to be making slime!!

what you need:

  • what you need:
  • glue ( preferably elmers glue)
  • two disposable cups
  • food coloring
  •  water
  • borax powder
  • a plastic spoon
  • tablespoon (for measuring)


  1. Fill one small cup with water and add a spoonful of the Borax powder and stir it up. Then leave it out the way.
  2. Fill the other small cup with about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the glue.
  3. Add three tablespoons (20 ml) of water to the glue and stir.
  4. Add a few drops of the food coloring and stir it up until mixed.
  5. Now the fun part…Add one tablespoons of the Borax solution you made earlier and stir well. Watch the slime form!
  6. After the slime forms let it sit for about 30 seconds and then pull it off the spoon and play with it!
  7. Tip: keep your slime in a seeled plastic bag or pot when you are not playing with it!! 
                                         thanks for reading 
                                             Florence xx

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